In The Back Seat

di Taghreed El-Azzeh



Palestine | 8’09”| fiction



Appena rilasciato da una prigione israeliana, il tassista Saleh percorrendo una città profondamente cambiata ripercorre anche la sua vita e i modi in cui si manifesta la resistenza nonviolenta nella quotidianità


Having just been released from an Israeli prison, taxi driver Saleh, travelling through a profoundly changed city, also retraces his life and the ways in which non-violent resistance manifests itself in everyday life.


Taghreed El-Azzeh

Taghreed El- Azzeh viene da Betlemme e ha studiato documentario e lighting production. Il suo film “Girls and the Sea” che fa parte del progetto “I am a Woman” è stato proiettato al Boston Palestinian Film Festival e al Malmoe Palestinian Film Festival.


Taghreed El- Azzeh is from Bethlehem and studied documentary filmmaking and production. His film ‘Girls and the Sea’ which is part of the project ‘I am a Woman’ was screened at the Boston Palestinian Film Festival and the Malmoe Palestinian Film Festival.