After the success of the last edition in 2024, the Nazra Palestine Short Film Festival is back!
2024 marked a year of global mobilization and renewed focus on Palestine, and, to date, the task of spreading and amplifying Palestinian stories and culture so that they can reach an audience as wide as possible continues to prove essential.
After eight years of cultural engagement, in 2024 the works supported by Nazra were hosted in more than 50 cities, thanks to the support of local associations and partners who decided to adopt the films and bring them to their communities. In some cases, Nazra even managed to host the filmmakers during screening events, thus shortening the distance between Palestine and Italy.
In 2025 Nazra intends to continue its mission by deepening its roots in local communities and remaining committed to creating opportunities for Palestinian voices and stories to be heard.
It is therefore with enthusiasm that we announce the 2025 call for submissions of short works from and about Palestine.
The eligibility requirements remain unchanged from previous editions: works can be by Palestinian and non-Palestinian authors but must focus on the theme of Palestine. For the 2025 edition, works produced in 2019 or later will be accepted, with a maximum length of 30 minutes. All works must have English subtitles.
Taking into account the period in which we all live and the current circumstances in Palestine, the four categories established last year are confirmed for this edition:
Fiction, Documentaries, Experimental Works and the category Gaze on Gaza, created to contain reports shot during the genocidal war currently underway on the Strip and the West Bank, where ‘Gaza’ serves as a symbol for the entire Palestine archipelago.
Works can be submitted from February 1 to April 15, 2025.
Download the full call to submissions and participate!
شهد عام 2024 تحركات عالمية متزايدة واهتمامًا متجددًا بالقضية الفلسطينية، ولا يزال من الضروري الاستمرار بنشر وتعزيز القصص والثقافة الفلسطينية لضمان وصولها إلى أوسع جمهور ممكن.
بعد ثماني سنوات من الالتزام الثقافي، تمكن مهرجان نظرة في عام 2024 من عرض الأفلام المدعومة في أكثر من 50 مدينة، بفضل دعم الجمعيات والشركاء المحليين الذين تبنوا هذه الأعمال وساهموا في عرضها ضمن مجتمعاتهم. وفي بعض الحالات، تمكن المهرجان أيضًا من استضافة المخرجين خلال فعاليات العروض، مما ساهم في تقليص المسافات بين فلسطين وإيطاليا وتعزيز التفاعل المباشر مع صناع الأفلام.
في عام 2025، يواصل نظرة التزامه بترسيخ حضوره وتعزيز فرص الاستماع إلى الأصوات والقصص الفلسطينية.
لذلك، يسرنا أن نعلن عن فتح باب التقديم لمهرجان نظرة للأفلام القصيرة لعام 2025 وفقًا للمعايير التالية:
إمكانية المشاركة: يمكن للأعمال أن تكون من إنتاج مخرجين فلسطينيين أو غير فلسطينيين، بشرط أن تركز بوضوح على القضية الفلسطينية.
فترة الإنتاج: يتم قبول الأفلام المنتجة اعتبارًا من عام 2019 فصاعدًا.
المدة الزمنية: يجب ألا تتجاوز مدة الفيلم 30 دقيقة.
الترجمة: جميع الأعمال يجب أن تكون مزودة بترجمة إلى اللغة الإنجليزية.
فئات المسابقة
في ظل الظروف الراهنة و تماشيًا مع التطورات والاحداث الحالية في فلسطين، تستمر الفئات الأربع التي تم اعتمادها في الدورة السابقة، وهي
الأفلام الروائية –
الأفلام الوثائقية –
الأعمال التجريبية-
-فئة “نظرة على غزة”: فئة خاصة تستقبل التقارير المصورة التي توثق الأحداث الجارية في قطاع غزة والضفة الغربية، حيث يمثل اسم “غزة” رمزا للنضال الفلسطيني بأكمله
مواعيد التقديم
يمكن إرسال المشاركات ابتداءً من 1 فبراير وحتى 15 أبريل 2025.
قم بتنزيل الدعوة الكاملة وشارك!
Maximum duration: 30 minutes
Production date: NOT before 2019
Subtitles: English required
Submission period: February 3 – April 15, 2025
Short films by Palestinian authors and by non-Palestinian authors addressing political, historical, social, and/or cultural topics related to Palestine are eligible to participate in the competition.
Each author may submit to a maximum of 2 works, each competing in two different competition sections.
Participation in the festival is free of charge.
The Festival programming team will select the finalist short films, which will be judged by an International Jury, appointed annually and composed of prominent figures from the Italian and Palestinian artistic, cultural, and cinematic sectors.
The winning works will be awarded in Venice during the closing night of the Festival’s first week.. The Festival will then continue in other Italian, European, and Palestinian cities, as one of its main objectives is to ensure the circulation of the winning works, with the presence of the authors whenever possible, in the various locations or cities hosting the event.
Additionally, during the festival, Youth Juries will be involved as part of the Nazra educational program in schools and universities.
The authors of the selected short films will be notified of their selection via email by May 5, 2025, and will be invited to submit the following documents to within 15 days:
The list of the finalist works will also be published on the festival’s website.
The selected films must, if necessary, be resubmitted and made available for download with the following requirements:
During the opening night of the Nazra Tour in Venice, the winners of each competition category will be announced. The best short film in each section will be awarded a cash prize and the “Nazra boat” Festival’s symbol.
By submitting the digital entry form, the submitter fully accepts and agrees to comply with all Nazra Palestine Short Film Festival (Nazra) rules and regulations as set forth herein. The individual or entity listed as the submitter in the application form guarantees that they are the rightful owner of, or an authorized representative of the owner of, the submitted production, including all associated copyrights, and that they are duly empowered to grant Nazra the rights stipulated under these terms.
The submitter further warrants that they have secured, or will secure, all necessary rights, authorizations, consents, and releases from any third parties involved in the production of the submitted work. This includes, but is not limited to:
The submitter affirms that Nazra’s use of the submitted work, as authorized under these regulations, will not infringe upon the rights of any individual or entity and will comply with applicable laws governing intellectual property and copyright.
Nazra reserves the right to resolve any questions, disputes, or issues not explicitly addressed in these rules. By entering the competition, the submitter consents to the jurisdiction of EU law, under which any disputes or conflicts arising from participation in the Festival shall be governed and resolved.
In addition to the above:
By submitting an entry, the submitter agrees to the inclusion of their film in the Festival’s archival collection for future non-commercial screenings at events deemed relevant by the Festival’s management.
The Festival reserves the right to invite filmmakers and/or producers of selected works, particularly award-winning films, to attend the event, covering a portion of travel or participation costs at the discretion of the organizers.
The producers and directors of awarded films are required to use the official Nazra Palestine Short Film Festival logo in any promotional material relating to the film, specifying the year of the Festival and the prize awarded.
Failure to comply with these regulations, including but not limited to the provision of accurate and complete information, the submission of required materials, or adherence to deadlines, will render the entry ineligible for consideration.
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